Title: New Blog!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 11:55 AM

Hey dudes n dudettes!!! We have a new blog!!! Yes, Zhi Rui n i hav a new BLOG!!! YAY!!! http://www.cockatoosmiley.blogspot.com Click it!!! U know u wanna!!! I know, it has a weird name. BUT, wad to expect, Zhi Rui is weird n me too!!! Visit!!! Remember!!! Lah!!!

Ostaf Detinu!!!

Title: Halo......
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 2:37 AM

Guesss hu I am 
Gif a clue....
My name does not have a 'N' (only last name, surname not counted)

Guess wad......



Ostaf Detinu!!!

Title: if you are reading this title there is no title
Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 1:44 AM

HI PEOPLE!if you are reading this you are the 100000000 visitor!click here to see the spongebob website!(www.spongebob.com) Do not worry there is no trojan or viruses in the website. JUst pure spongebobby stuff like games and episodes.

WEll,Anyway let me get back to my typing which leads to words which have no meaning
SEE?so weirdly confusing.dun worry.ignore them.they are called words with no meaning.=D
Now that the exams are over, the holidays are coming.unless you are P6.then it will be a really busy and tough day for you. but then again, relax a lil in the holidays,turn on the radio to some random rock song and strum ur air guitar.ROCK ONN! you know, i always wonder why im so twisted. I anticipate and dance around for the holidays. and when it really comes i slack at home wif nothing to do. So its gonna be different this time round. heres my plan:
-->eat breakfast
-->talk to the bamboo out side my house
-->watch 10 episodes of spongebob
-->go to school for supplementary
-->call Nicole to bug her
-->call Hui Xin to bug her
-->feed my pet in pet society
-->read a book(NAHHH!)
-->play with my dog
-->eat summore

isn't it a good plan?

Ostaf Detinu!!!

Title: Long Time no see
Saturday, March 14, 2009 @ 6:03 AM

Haluii everybody!!!
This is flo writing the second post...
ANW, flo has a blog!!!! (a blog, not a blob)
Must visit, click Flo's blog

Ostaf Detinu!!!

Title: another ostaf-fy post
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 9:35 PM

This is another ostaf-fy post.which is backwards for yf-fatso.???Sharks.Nevermind,my bad.

is this font nice?I dun really mind u know.hahahahaha.=D
ok.so I m rac and u know what?people think that ostaf means fat in size way.well...yea but in this blog,our fat means...TAKE A GUESS!
IS IT [A]horizontally challenged

well,if u chose A u r wrong,B is wrong and C is correct if u r toking about math.it is D (weird in a good way)!sumtimes u hv to think out of the box all the words ared in kay?

I was thinking,since exams r round da corner i'll put a note here:
Shouldn't u be studying?

well,u will be if u continue reading the post.I'm putting SCIENCE NOTES ON ENERGY!dun-dun-Im-dumb!


Energy helps us to do work.Racoony needs it to do the wave and Scarlet needs it to shake her eye.Energy helps us to do everything,even breathe and type all this for reference.

there are 2 types of energy.Potential and working energy.then there's alsorenewable and non-renewable energy.Renewable energy can be used all over again...and again...and again.Like this info now except it isn't energy.Well,i told u wad non-renewable energy is so u shld noe renewable energy,rite?hello?ANSWER ME!!!!!OH WAIT.u can't this is a computer.sry,sry.

stored energy is converted to working energy (heat,light,kinectic,sound,electrical)Energy cannot be destroyed or created!why do things stop moving?because all the energy has been converted to sumthing else!

My time is up and im shutting down so HIT THE BOOKS now.(don't slap them though.they dun like it.)

Ostaf Detinu!!!

Title: LOL hyper mr pen
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 1:25 AM

ok yeah so... yeah its me and er yeah my first post i just remembered that yeah er yeah...this blog yeah... and erm yeah... oh yar....yeah...sorry about the yeahs just being weird.so today,yang lao shi was talking the usual stuff and as per normal i wasn't listening=.=....and mr pen got addicted to the yukkiest cake in the world and he killed Mr.Zhu Lan Zhi XD(pig blue mole)...and remember


Ostaf Detinu!!!

Title: Chinese New Year
Friday, January 23, 2009 @ 8:22 PM

HEY guys!It'S rac HERE!with me owner TRASEE TAN.(sry 4 the spelleng mistakees.)
Chinese new year is all about the colour RED.u know why?no its not because of the nian.that story is dumb.(no offence).I mean,nian=year,who kills the new year huh!?!?!?!?!MAKES SENSE RITE?btw,this is a really red post.yeayeayeayeayeayea.
so,heres the real story.

a super duper long time ago.there was darkness everyday.no sun no nothing.everyone was sad,darkness ruled the whole world and everyone wore dull drab robes.the most IN THING WAS a sparkly black cloth over the body.BORING RITE?then wen new year came on lunar calender.a rebel,who was a fashionista called scarlettee passed the darkness a fashion mag which claimed that RED WAS THE NEW BLACK.so the darkness turned red and everyone wore red on that day.

COOL HUH!?!THE crackers are just for the pazzazzizzazz.

HAPPY CNY everyone and don't get limited to colours!That means u darkness!MUA-HA-HA!

DO THE WAVE loopy-loop-loopy-loop-loopy-loop.

wan anuther story.no?then close this.if u do,read on!!!!!!!!dun-da-dun-da-dun-da

OKAY,so this is orange.close enuff.

there was once a super million billionaire whu culd hv wadeva she wanted called racolet.
she had a manssion with many rooms.1 wif minibytes and blobs and chips.ONe with a swimming pool.one with a cracker,a pecker(bird) and a whacker(just kidding.i hate pain).
she juz wasn't happy. she had so much munehh and didn't know wad to do.And she was too full for 10,000 krabby patties.(SRY mr krabs).so,she decide to give away her money to the poor and needy in a super fashionista colour---red.
and since then,the custom continues.


Ostaf Detinu!!!

♥Meet da pigs

every member in Ostaf Detinu (only main members are authorized to change things)

♥ huggies


χ non huggies


♥ wishing well

To get good exam marks.^-^

♥ fly-away

games by nitrome
more games!
art wif paper

♥ huggables memory

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..November 2009

♥ songs

FUN song
nickelodeon p&k song
striped sweater

♥ audience

♥ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket
Image - Heyheypig.com
Brushes - All brushes creator

♥ Pig Talks~

tagboard over here..